Life just doesn’t spring up from mud and water; no matter what imaginative evolutionary theorists tell us or want us to believe.
Darwin’s theory has too many gaps in its evolutionary model and is increasingly being shown to be nothing more than a modern version of phlogiston.
If the genus Homo has only been around for 2 million years (of the 4.3 billion years existence of the planet), as an experiential unit, the vessel for an occupant, programme for data collection or whatever we choose to call the soul, what carried the occupant/soul previously, in the distant past? I’ve always thought the dinosaurs, being in possession of the planet for around 165 million years, must have had a purpose, been here for a reason.
Many of the dinosaurs were supposed to be violent, vicious, marauding animals who, if they weren’t vegetarians, used to kill anything they could, and eat it. We assume this because they had big powerful jaws, teeth and claws. Marks have been found on fossilised dinosaur bones, corresponding to the claws and teeth. But these animals had offspring, families, family groups and protected their young. Were they also vessels, for a similar occupant, or programme for data collection, like the hominid genus?
Until very recently, Neanderthals were thought to be an unintelligent sub-human species. But now, we know they produced art; had their own rituals and sophisticated society. How imaginative were the dinosaur species? They didn’t leave us drawings on cave walls, artifacts we can identify as belonging to them. Crazy notion. As crazy as finding a fossilised dinosaur skeleton with the remains of a computer tablet. But what if they had a culture we know nothing about? History has to be re-written when evidence keeps contradicting our understanding of the past; why is changing our written history, when outdated by overwhelming evidence, so difficult, as evidenced by such recent travesties as Clovis First, in America, and the Kariong Hieroglyphs in New South Wales, Australia, the caves of Maresha and Bet-guvrin and Harvat Burgin ruins? Any anomolous artifact discovered in an aged layer is said to be an oopart – an ‘Out Of Place Artifact’, and ignored or summarily dismissed because it doesn’t fit the story we tell ourselves about the past.
Manufactured artifacts have been found in undisturbed layers as old as 2.8 billion years. That’s a long time. The artifacts don’t care if we believe in them or not. They exist. A finely wrought eight carat gold chain, found embedded in a piece of coal, in 1891, was dated by the Illinois State Geological Survey, between 260-320 million years old, as reported in the Morrisonville Times. A metallic tube was found at St Jean Livet, France, in a 65 million year old chalk bed. Hundreds of metallic balls of two types, were found in South Africa, in a Precambrian mineral deposit dated 2.8 billion years old. Long term, how does life evolve and die? Panspermia theory tells us life arrived as microbes on meteorites. Is it a step closer to the truth of life being seeded by older species, races and/or civilisations? If so, wouldn’t those progenitors keep an eye on their creations?
I can’t help feeling, the rise of UFO, or, to give them their new name, Unidentified Aerial (or Underwater) Phenomena, reports in newspapers, magazines and television news, is leading somewhere. The 180 degree turnaround from outright denial and ridicule, to serious discussion, is nothing short of amazing for older people who have grown up with the derision. Is it linked to the removal of stigma throughout society? A sign we are growing spiritually? The old stigmas of being an unmarried mother; having no father, HIV Positive, living with AIDS, homosexuality, homophobia, racism in all its forms, Alzheimers, Dementia and mental illnesses. We really do have to learn to accept each other for what we are, with all our foibles, curious habits and diversity. Until we do, how can we accept people for whom our planet is a destination – a daytrip to a unique and beautiful jewel; or field trip to an observatory to study the exciting new species of chimp?
We have to accept there are, in our Universe, billions of planets much much older than Earth, capable of developing and sustaining intelligent life and the fact they will have technology far in advance of ours. Earth has not been attacked for many millenia, not since before the writing of the Vedas – maybe a sign that we, as a species, are being protected? Or that the aeronauts in their spectacular craft are benevolent and spiritually advanced beyond our current capability, especially considering the wars, bloodshed, suffering and antipathy our leaders regularly demonstrate and we often show each other. Surely, without some kind of altruistic investment, advanced empathic understanding and compassion, a spacefaring species would not want anything to do with the human race. But it’s not all of us, is it? Just those few in positions of power, focussed on more. Of everything.
Planet Earth has undoubtedly had many names, given by its inhabitants over the years. On the present trajectory humanity is being nudged and driven in, what will it be called in a few hundred years time? We record our lives on Facebook, Google and other online platforms; they keep the data of our lives as we live them. As businesses merge and are bought by ever bigger conglomerations, who will own history in the future? Right now, Vanguard, Black Rock, Alphabet, Facebook, Google and Twitter own the record of the present; can censor, demand alteration and control of narrative in the present. Who, in 50 years time, will own history? How will we be represented by the gatekeepers of history? If we survive, will we be recognisable? In 50 years, who will own the planet?