Injecting Codes. (You Are What You Eat)

A computer is a collection of manufactured parts, usually housed in a plastic case, sometimes in a metal case. Inside the computer are quite complex arrangements of electronic components, all working together to create an entity greater than the sum of its parts. This entity cannot operate without an outside signal, delivering lines of code telling it what to do – telling it what it is. In this sense it is a receiver unit.

Lines of computer code started simply, evolving to become, over seventy years later, the electronic, virtual ecosystem we know and use today.
Lines of code are transmitted to every computer every day, for software upgrades or updating systems, but a lot of it is security code, protecting the virtual ecosystem and the individual computer itself.

Electronic security is a contradiction in terms, a Terminological Inexactitude. A myth believed by members of a gullible public. There is no such thing as electronic security. No state of electronic security has EVER existed and will NEVER exist.

When a physical object, material, idea or concept has been reduced to lines of digital code, its code can be repeated and replicated, becoming the property of everyone with access to it. Access gives those people with criminal intent, those with the technology, will and knowledge, opportunities to use it to propagate their own agenda. This applies to ALL biometric data. When biometric data has itself, been appropriated by others, the original person to whom it rightfully belongs, has lost control over it and by implication any security it seemed to offer. This is why biometric data is a very high security risk, it is also why programmers and system architects need to be several steps ahead of those who would destroy the system or use it to enrich themselves at the expense of everyone else.

The virtual world, its infrastructure, computers and all users of the system need sophisticated and necessarily complex security measures and protocols to prevent amoral people accessing and using data that does not belong to them, data that they can use to make money, steal money or information, gain leverage or control over something or someone. These lines of security code are instructions to the electronic software operating throughout the ecosystem, telling it what it is and what to do; telling it how to recognise viruses, pathogens and what to do about them; blocking, deactivating, thwarting and destroying them. Trouble is, people with the knowledge can send tiny amounts of code to our computers, a bit at a time, and build a hacking programme capable of gently syphoning our data. And we never know a thing about it until the day we discover we’ve been hacked.

As users of the computer, we lack awareness of the internet and supporting infrastructure, relying on a high degree of integrity on the part of software engineers and computer manufacturers to look after us; the infrastructure, ecosystem – your and my computer – we expect our usage and data to be kept safe by these people and their operating systems. When you switch on your computer, its operating system will seek instructions from source, looking for the latest lines of security code; these lines arrive in our computers a bit at a time, building up lines of code, over the internet and this happens every time we switch on and log in, to keep us up to date, as opportunists constantly seek weaknesses in the system to exploit, to have their various nefarious ways. Lines of code.

DNA is a line of code beyond binary, in the fullest sense, way beyond current human understanding, instructing our genes. When required, an Activator in every gene switches on a specific function of that particular gene, telling them what to do, how to grow, how to behave and for how long, how to respond to threats to our ecosystem. A Terminator in every gene switches them off when they have served their purpose, performed their function. New information can be inserted in a line of genetic code, to change or eliminate traits or characteristics as desired by the entity paying the programmers.

Then I thought, is it possible that…

…like all viruses, Covid-19 is a delivery system, introducing an organism genetically engineered by nature, to survive, mutate and spread. Is this organism capable of altering our DNA? mRNA works in a similar way, a specific shape engineered to resemble, in this case, the Covid virus; this mechanism, injected into a host, trains the immune system to recognise the individual virus shape and form defences against it.

How does one alter a computer programme. With lines of code.

How does one change a DNA programme? With lines of code.

If lines of modified code can be inserted into our DNA, small sections at a time, for different legitimate reasons, in vaccines and foods we eat, a line of genetic code could be gradually built to change the nature of the organism we are. Every scrap of genetic code will be assimilated in the host, by the host – us. This change in genetic programming could kill some people, cause miscarriages and long term illnesses; in others, it would take effect over time and be passed on by breeding. Children will replicate the lines of code easier and quicker than their parents and the change will be so gradual it could be unnoticed for generations, then probably attributed to evolution. Using the same concept, we poison rodents with a slow, cumulative poison, like warfarin; they don’t die immediately, so don’t associate the warfarin poison with death. The concept of slow change is how we developed into the human species we are today. Incrementally. Bit by bit.

There could, potentially, be lines of genetic code we don’t know about in any genetically manipulated food source – even in animal feeds. Such foods will be absorbed by the body, filtering genetic codes into our bodies, designed to target specific sections of DNA.

Our immune systems are weakening every passing day we spend trapped in lockdown. Our immune system remains inactive because it is not exposed to outside threats from organisms looking to survive and spread. Will this make us more susceptible to genetic interference from without? Or within?

Author: Pawl

Autistic boy born into a dysfunctional family, 16 years Marine Engineer, 11 years Gardener/Estate Manager, 18 years Stained Glass Craftsman, 22 years Retired 15 years and counting