Uncharacteristically for me, I’m writing this in the heat of indignation.
I’ve read several newsfeed stories, about UFO’s, over the last few years and these stories seem to be increasing in number. I’ve just read an official source in America, telling people that these unidentified aerial phenomena are driven by aliens who are our enemies and must be resisted; kept out of our airspace, away from our planet (Earth, our current home planet) and blasted out of our skies.
Over the last millenia, at the same time as these unidentified aerial phenomena have been recorded all over the planet, by different peoples artworks – including the church, Earths’ population has been decimated by wars between countries; different factions in the same countries, since the second world war by pharmaceutical and chemical companies experimenting with their various products, by viruses which may or may not be bio-engineered, genetically modified and overprocessed non-foods which cause people to get fat to obesity while actually starving them to death, by sociopathic people in despotic regimes and companies in positions of extreme power and their ‘good’ ideas about how best to tackle ‘problems’ among the populations. And now, when it appears the same emotional retards are accepting the reality of what they’ve been ridiculing other people for, for DECADES – almost 70 years, these unidentified aerial phenomena, they’re telling us – the people of planet Earth – the occupants are a threat? They are our enemies? Surely they don’t know anything about them, they’ve only just accepted their existence! Has anyone ever heard about aliens in flying saucers opening fire on humanity? Dropping bombs or chemical or biological weapons on anyone?
From whom do humans, we, the people on planet Earth, need protection?