Since March 23rd 2020, when the Corona virus, Covid 19, was officially announced, mainstream news media have presented a view of Covid 19 spread in the global community; as an increasing total of infections confirmed by testing, followed by the accumulating number of deaths from Covid.
As population testing increased, so did the numbers of confirmed cases, obviously. We still have the numbers scrolled in front of us, every night, on the media news channels. 80% of positive tested people will have symptoms similar to those of a heavy cold or flu, mild to severe, meaning the period of illness will last on average, between two to six weeks. Underneath the death count is a qualifier statement, ‘Deaths for any reason 28 days after a positive covid-19 test’ – Deaths for any reason. Where can we find statistics for people who have tested positive for T-cells and antibodies to Covid? More, corroborated, evidence is being gradually revealed about deaths of people who have died WITH Covid, not FROM it – within 28 days of a positive Covid test. Why are these included in the statistics? How many of the deceased had recovered from Covid at the time of their death? How many died other causes?
The Covid Passport, currently being discussed, validating a persons vaccination for covid, will unlock society for those who have had it; holidays, flights, access to pubs, clubs, bars, cinema’s, restaurants, shops, banks – everything we once took for granted, now dependent on a vaccination. A privilege only enjoyed if we submit to an artificial, laboratory produced injection.
The simple act of living ones life, once accepted as a universal right, now a privilege.
Covid 19 is a nasty virus, one from which most of us will recover. But how will the survivors recover the life we enjoyed before that life became a privilege granted by vaccination? How will we be affected, perhaps for generations to come, by the mental effects induced by measures to control the virus? Effects on the 80% with immunity, whether natural or artificial. If we are an intelligent species, we have to think of less destructive means to improve the overall health of humanity, leading us to a better future in which we, as a species, can thrive.